Electronic Boost Controller


Electronic Boost Controller up to 3 bar boost. Fully configurable via on-screen settings and a single knob. Visible under sunlight OLED fast response display.

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  • High-visibility OLED display shows boost in real-time
  • Internal MAP sensor for up to 3bar boost
  • Adjustable DUTY and Target Boost
  • Fast response and no target overshooting
  • Boost by RPM
  • Hi/Lo boost settings
  • Overboost safety protection
  • Shows current boost and duty on screen
  • Can show boost in BAR or PSI
  • Works with 3-port solenoid valve
  • Size: LxHxThinckness: 118x44x17mm

Wiring Diagram

Wiring diagram

On the back of the unit is a 4 pin connector. Power wires: Middle left- 12V power – Connect to a 12V power source which is active when the ignition is ON. Middle right – Ground – Connect to a ground wire or chassis. Solenoid connection: Top left – Control signal to Solenoid valve Middle left – 12V power The solenoid uses the same 12V which also powers the Controller. Additional functions: Hi/Lo Boost mode setting – connect an external switch to ground to change between High and Low boost settings. RPM from tachometer output or ignition coil (5v signal)

Solenoid Ports

Solenoid ports

1 – Filter to atmosphere 2 – Wastegate 3 – Turbo pressure Make sure the nut on the air filter is loose so air can get out easily.

External Wastegate

Option 1: extWG

Basic Operation

When ignition is switched on the Controller will show the main screen, displaying current boost/vacuum. 

Press the knob to enter the menu. The menu has 3 items:


Values go from 0% to 100% where 0 is lowest boost possible and 100% is highest boost possible. Start increasing DUTY to get higher boost.

Note that the minimum boost set with Duty=0% is the pressure set by the wastegate spring tension.


START BOOST sets the boost level at which the solenoid will start operating. Until this point the wastegate will be fully shut to aid in lag reduction. When the pressure goes above the START BOOST the configured DUTY will be applied.

Once the boost level is set by SET DUTY,  use START BOOST to reduce lag. By increasing the value closer to the actual boost level, it will keep the wastegate shut all the way until that point. Going too much though, will cause an overshoot.


OVERBOOST LIMIT is a safety feature. The controller will switch off the solenoid if the pressure reaches this level. It will also display on the screen that the boost limit has been hit. Set it to a value higher than the target pressure.

Hi / Lo Boost Setting

An external switch has to be connected to switch between the two settings.

Normally, if no switch is connected all settings described above are part of the LO boost setting.

When a switch is connected and activated (connects the wire to ground) the unit will instantly switch to HI mode.

All settings (DUTY, START BOOST, BOOST LIMIT, etc…) are also available in HI mode and can have different values. This is like a second boost controller.

The modes can be switched at any time and the corresponding settings will be displayed and applied instantly.

Boost by RPM

If for some reason the boost level drops with higher revs the boost controller can compensate by increasing DUTY after a set RPM level.

By default this feature is disabled.

To enable it connect RPM signal to the device and:

  1. Turn off boost controller
  2. Press and old the knob and turn ignition on.
  3. Adjust the RPM shown on screen to the correct value at the moment (engine running). Rotating furthest to the left will turn off the RPM feature.
  4. Press the knob to confirm correct RPM and exit menu

Then a new menu will have appeared:

Start – The RPM level when DUTY will start increasing – set it to the RPM level where boost starts dropping.

END – The max RPM where DUTY will reach its new higher maximum.

Duty – The max additional DUTY.


The engine is making 1 bar boost but it drops to 0.6 at 8k RPM. DUTY is set to 60%

After enabling RPM compensation with the above settings, after reaching 5k RPM the controller will start increasing DUTY from 60% up to 65% (+5% as above) at 8k. This results in higher boost at higher RPM!

Advanced Mode

Advanced menu allows access to the more advanced features of the boost controller.

It can automatically adjust DUTY within certain limits in order to get constant boost in the whole RPM range. This is useful if the boost drops with higher RPM.

Long press the knob to enter the menu:


BOOST TARGET is where you set what boost pressure is required. If you decrease it all the way to the left it changes to DISABLED which is the default setting and disables the automatic DUTY feature.


The maximum change the controller can do on the DUTY setting from the simple menu. So if it’s set at 10% and DUTY is set at 60%, the controller will adjust it from 50% to 70% max to get a constant boost as specified in the BOOST TARGET.


The default settings here should work well for most. Only change these if you understand how PID works. Default settings are P=10, I=2, D=0.

Switch from BAR to PSI

To switch from BAR to PSI or vice versa you need to restore default settings:

  1. Turn off boost controller
  2. Press and hold the knob and turn ignition on.
  3. “RPM” appears, press again to continue
  4. “More settings” appears, press again to continue
  5. “Restore def?” appears, press again to confirm.

To change back to BAR do the same process once again.

VNT option for some diesel engines

To enable the VNT option:

  1. Turn off the boost controller
  2. Press and hold the knob and turn ignition on.
  3. “RPM” appears, press again to continue
  4. “More settings” appears, press again to continue
  5. Rotate until you find the VNT? option and press it

To change back to non VNT do the same process once again.

What this mode actually does is keep the solenoid at 100% until boost level reaches “start boost” then it applies the duty cycle.

External wastegate control with dual 3 port solenoids instead of one 4 port valve

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With 3 port Solenoid, Boost Controller only